Nicotine addiction is very strong and powerful. In recent years many health concerns have raised about smoking. Most people start in teenage, and easily get influenced by those who regularly smoke
According to WHO 12% of world’s smokers are in India. Every year 1 million people die due to lung caner and other tobacco related diseases which includes active and passive smoking
Cigarette smoke is made of different chemicals those are referred to as carcinogens. Some of the chemicals found in cigarettes are lead, arsenic, ammonia and other elements

What makes people smoke?
Those who have parents or friends are more likely to get the habit, some start to impress the opposite gender by looking cool and end up getting addicted.
To get socialize! when in break with a coffee, or hanging with group on weekend accompanied with smoking
Now the question is how smoking will affect your body (when you get old) when you start inhaling the burning nicotine
Below are the 5 possible affects of smoking
Brain Stroke:
A smoker has 3 times more possibility to get stroke. When blood clot in the brain it leads to more threatening problems like Paralysis, low limb movement, blurred vision and even death.
Lung Cancer:
90% of the times is the cause of cancer both in men and women. The major case is chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) which damages tiny air sacs in the lungs
Decrease Sexual performance:
Nicotine does affect the genital parts of the body through blood, which not only decreases the performance and in few cases more likely to cause erectile dysfunction.
It’s not limited to men, even women it lower the sex hormone and more likely to get cervical cancer.
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